
"Changeling" with Jolie and Malkovich

"Changeling" is a Clint Eastwood-directed film, based on a 1920s thriller about Christine Collins, played by Angelina Jolie, whose 9-year-old son is kidnapped.

Synopsis: When police return the boy to her, Christine claims he is not her son. She is then deemed an unfit mother when she confronts city authorities and corruption in the Los Angeles Police Department in order to find out the truth.

Jolie may earn yet another Oscar nomination, as the movie debuted to critical acclaim at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

Jolie based the character after her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died of cancer in 2007.

“My mother was very passive in many ways and very, very sweet, but when it came to her children, she was a lion,” Jolie has said. “So in many ways, Christine reminded me of my mom, and it was a way to kind of revisit my mother after her passing and spend time with her.”

Changeling opens in limited release on October 24.

via USWeekly

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