Priceless Chris Klein Audition for Mamma Mia
Sandra Bullock Starts a New Life With Adopted Baby Boy, Louis Bardo
Sandra Bullock's first news from her personal camp has revealed that she was granted adoption of 3 1/2 month old baby boy, Louis Bardo Bullock. What Sandra and her now ex-husband started 4 years ago, has now come to fruition at the perfect time in her life.
Jenny McCarthy & Jim Carrey Go Their Separate Ways
The 48-year-old Carrey says on the social networking Web site that he wishes her "the very best!"The 37-year-old McCarthy tweeted that she "will always keep Jim as a leading man in my heart."

Patients Would Date Their Doctors
Karma is a B#$%#
Windows vs Apple Year 1
Eat. Pray. Love. Movie Trailer
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson Suffered from Lupus and Vitiligo
And the saga continues…
A well respected physician and author, Deepak Chopra, has come out to speak on his longtime friend and patient, Michael Jackson.
Dr. Chopra reports that the deceased musician has been suffering from Lupus, as a result of a traumatizing childhood.
“He had been diagnosed with lupus and he had vitiligo,” Chopra says. “There’s some recent research that suggests that if children have experienced either physical or verbal, mental, emotional or sexual abuse, then 20, 30 years later they can develop these autoimmune diseases including lupus.”
“Michael, he was never sexually abused but according to him, he was traumatized verbally and physically in his childhood, and it was a big issue with him.”
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes damage to any part of the body, whether it’s skin, joints or organs and destroys healthy body tissue. In the case of Michael Jackson, lupus affected his skin discoloration, also known as vitiligo.
“He had a lot of blotches on his skin, huge white patches all over his body. So he would cover up his body and that of course gave food for fodder to the press,” Chopra says.
Deepak Chopra’s son, Gotham, also close to Michael Jackson adds:
“It was very disturbing to him that people thought he always wanted to be white and he was bleaching his skin. [But] he identified as being a black person and so it was troubling to him that everyone thought that he was a hater of his own race,” Gotham explains. “And the lupus, why he didn’t just come out more clearly and say that was the problem, I’m not sure. But I know it was something that bothered him a lot.”
Vanilla Ice Apologizes for Ice Ice Baby
Robert Van Winkle or better known as Vanilla Ice has apologized for his only hit single in the 90s “Ice Ice Baby." Basically biting off the hand that fed him, and attracting attention back to the only thing that he has ever done. While he still collects his royalty checks and sitting pretty in a beautiful home, he regrets the his only claim to fame. How unfortunate for him, yet I feel no sympathy towards a man that abuses his wife. He's obviously strong enough to rough up a woman, but not strong enough to get on with his life after a sinlge that has sold the most rap records in history.
Aqua Man Phelps Busted

This past summer Olympics big winner, Michael Phelps, was caught smoking a bit of marijuanna. That's the beauty of cell phones. This morning Phelps' camp issued a carefully worded statement in response to the incriminating the picture:
"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."
I guess it was only a matter of time, that glory went to his head and all athletic gifts aside it proves he's just some kid.
What next for his endorsement deals and the Olympics board for the future???
Renee Zellweger on her Leading Men

On Friday’s Rachel Ray Show, the celeb chef asks Renee Zellweger to comment on some of her leading men, who just happen to be all Hollywood’s hottest A-listers.
Russell Crowe (Cinderella Man):
“He’s intense. He takes his work really seriously. And that’s really interesting, it’s interesting.”George Clooney (Leatherheads):
“Ha, ha, ha — trouble! Yeah, you do not want to be on the receiving end of one of his practical jokes! You just don’t. Because they can go years long, you know what I mean? Like, I’m still waiting on one, I’m sure. I’ve got it coming! That guy’s patient.”John Krasinski (Leatherheads):
“Talent show. That man is a talent show. He absolutely is. He is one of the nicest men — he’s so clever. He’s well read, he writes poetry. Sorry, I’m completely outing you. Sorry, John. I should be in his fan club. He loves music, and he taught himself how to play piano last year. He just sat down because he decided he needed to know how to do a little John Lennon on the keys. He’s very interesting. Very talented, and very kind.”Harry Connick Jr. (New In Town):
“Harry Connick is one of a kind. He’s one of a kind. I don’t know anybody like him, really.”
Verne "Teddy" Troyer

Verne Troyer is currently on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK, and all guests were dressed as teddy bears, but there's nothing like seeing Verne eat that honey from a pot. Really sad and pitiful, but it's a way to pay the rent!
Metallica wants to Tour with Guns N’ Roses

Metallica, who will inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 4th, along with 80's Run DMC, British guitarist Jeff Beck, soul singer Bobby Womack and doo-wop group Little Anthony and the Imperials. The heavy metal band, after 28 years together, proclaimed that they want to tour with Guns N' Roses since they're huge fans and loved Axl's new album.
However, "they" as in Guns N' Roses is simply "him," Axl.
“We’re road dogs. We love to tour. So we’d never say no. We’ve learned never to say no to anything, and all four of us love Chinese Democracy.”
“The real question is whether they would tour with us.”
Adolf Hitler Reincarnated in NJ

A New Jersey couple, Heath and Deborah Campbell, are such Nazi-loving parents that they kindly named their children Adolf Hilter Campbell and JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell. Already at three years old, the little boy unconsciously offends the neighborhood ShopRite, as they refused to inscribe it on his birthday cake!
Now dad is seeking justice. It's been noted in numerous studies that parents chose legendary, biblical and heroic names in the hopes that their child will embody those qualities. But just take a moment and imagine this little boy in school, making friends, later on in life going to interviews and conquering his own career. Unfathomable.... I'm embarrased to live in the same state and just can't wait to cross paths with these Campbells...!!!